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Ten Organizations Using Psychology to Change the World

SPARQ released 10 toolkits that use psychology to help people take on the world's problems. The organization isn't alone when it comes to turning science into solutions.

As long as the world has been spinning, people have been trying to change it. Less certain is how effective those do-good efforts have been. Progress has been made, but inequalities still run rampant through American life, from healthcare to education to criminal justice to the economy What are changemakers missing?

The SPARQ team may be a little bit biased (Social Psychological Answers to Real-world Questions), but we would answer with this: social psychology.

Too often, those working for good forget that before you change the world, you need to understand how people change. That means getting a handle on the psychological and social forces that shape who we are and how we function as individuals and groups. does just that. It distills rigorous social psychological research into step-by-step activities that go after those tenacious psychological, behavioral, and societal patterns that perpetuate inequalities and injustices across generations.

In SPARQ's toolkits, you can find ways to increase diversity in higher education, take on gender imbalances in the sciences, break up institutional biases, improve people's health, make environments more welcoming for all, and much more.

But SPARQ isn't the only organization using psychology to help make a fairer and more inclusive world. If doesn't speak to the problems you're facing, here are some other high-quality options from our colleagues in the good fight:

Who did we forget to include on this list? Let us know by tweeting us at @StanfordSPARQ, reaching out to us on Facebook or LinkedIn, or sending an email to

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