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Featured Publications

Biased by Jennifer L. Eberhardt, PhD

Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice that Shapes What We See, Think, and Do By Jennifer Eberhardt

From one of the world’s leading experts on unconscious racial bias, a personal examination of one of the central controversies and culturally powerful issues of our time, and its influence on contemporary race relations and criminal justice. In Biased, with a perspective that is at once scientific, investigative, and informed by personal experience, Jennifer Eberhardt offers us insights into the dilemma and a path forward. Watch the TED talk here.

Clash! by Hazel Rose Markus, PhD and Alana Conner, PhD

Clash!: How to Thrive in a Multicultural World By Hazel Rose Markus and Alana Conner

As our planet gets smaller, cultural conflicts are becoming fiercer. Rather than lamenting our multicultural worlds, Hazel Rose Markus and Alana Conner reveal how we can leverage our differences to mend the rifts in our workplaces, schools, and relationships, as well as on the global stage. Provocative, witty, and painstakingly researched, Clash! not only explains who we are, it also envisions who we could become.

Bringing the World Into Our Science. The APS Observer. By Jennifer Eberhardt, Hazel Rose Markus, and MarYam Hamedani

In her inaugural presidential column, former APS President Jennifer Eberhardt explored psychological science’s great potential for real-world impact with Faculty Co-Director Hazel Rose Markus and Executive Director MarYam Hamedani. Through the lens of the late Lee Ross's powerful saying, they emphasize addressing society's most pressing issues through research-practitioner partnerships.

Hamedani et al. (2023)

We Built This Culture (so We Can Change It): Seven Principles for Intentional Culture Change. American Psychologist. By MarYam Hamedani, Hazel Rose Markus, Rebecca Hetey, and Jennifer Eberhardt

Synthesizing insights from research and application, SPARQ's Executive Director, Faculty Co-Directors, and Associate Director of Criminal Justice Partnerships present a novel social psychological framework for intentional culture change—actively and deliberately modifying the mutually reinforcing features of a culture.

Daedalus Winter 2024 Issue

"When the Cruiser Lights Come On": Using the Science of Bias & Culture to Combat Racial Disparities in Policing. Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. By Rebecca Hetey, MarYam Hamedani, Hazel Rose Markus, and Jennifer Eberhardt

Highlighting their work with the Oakland Police Department to reduce racial disparities in policing, SPARQ's Associate Director of Criminal Justice Partnerships, Executive Director, and Faculty Co-Directors discuss how research-driven partnerships can provide a path to combat inequality within organizational settings.

Bias and Culture

Neural Adaptation to Faces Reveals Racial Outgroup Homogeneity Effects in Early Perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. By Brent Hughes, Nicholas Camp, Jesse Gomez, Vaidehi Natu, Kalanit Grill-Spector, and Jennifer Eberhardt

 Criminal Justice

Leveraging Body-Worn Camera Footage to Assess the Effects of Training on Officer Communication During Traffic Stops. By Nicholas Camp, Rob Voigt, MarYam Hamedani, Dan Jurafsky, and Jennifer Eberhardt

Field et al. (2023)

Developing Speech Processing Pipelines for Police Accountability. Interspeech 2023. By Anjalie Field, Prateek Verma, Nay San, Jennifer Eberhardt, and Dan Jurafsky

PNAS June 6, 2023 Issue

Escalated Police Stops of Black Men Are Linguistically and Psychologically Distinct in Their Earliest Moments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. By Eugenia Rho, Maggie Harrington, Yuyang Zhong, Reid Pryzant, Nick Camp, Dan Jurafsky, and Jennifer Eberhardt

Detecting Institutional Dialog Acts in Police Traffic Stops. Transactions of the Association of Computational Linguistics. By Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Camilla Griffiths, Hang Su, Prateek Verma, Nelson Morgan, Jennifer Eberhardt, and Dan Jurafsky

Principled Policing: A Path to Building Better Police-Community Relations. By Sarah Lyons-Padilla, MarYam Hamedani, Hazel Rose Markus, and Jennifer Eberhardt

Language from Police Body Camera Footage Shows Racial Disparities in Officer Respect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. By Rob Voigt, Nicholas Camp, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, William Hamilton, Rebecca Hetey, Camilla Griffiths, David Jurgens, Dan Jurafsky, and Jennifer Eberhardt

Read more about the data analyses and code used in this paper.

Principled Policing: Procedural Justice and Implicit Bias Training. By Sarah Lyons-Padilla, Hazel Rose Markus, and Jennifer Eberhardt

 Economic Mobility

Race Influences Professional Investors’ Financial Judgments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. By Sarah Lyons-Padilla, Hazel Rose Markus, Ashby Monk, Sid Radhakrishna, Radhika Shah, Norris "Daryn" Dodson IV, and Jennifer Eberhardt

Measuring Mobility from Poverty. By Gregory Acs, Amrita Maitreyi, Alana Conner, Hazel Rose Markus, Nisha Patel, Sarah Lyons-Padilla, and Jennifer Eberhardt


The Dynamic Nature of Student Discipline and Discipline Disparities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. By Sean Darling-Hammond, Michael Ruiz, Jennifer Eberhardt, and Jason Okonofua

Golarai et al. (2020)

The Development of Race Effects in Face Processing From Childhood Through Adulthood: Neural and Behavioral Evidence. Developmental Science. By Golijeh Golarai, Dara Ghahremani, Anders Greenwood, John Gabrieli, and Jennifer Eberhardt 

Community Safety Initiative Summer Internship Program. By MarYam Hamedani, Amrita Maitreyi, Rebecca Hetey, and Sheryl Evans Davis


Cultural Defaults in the Time of COVID: Lessons for the Future. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. By Hazel Rose Markus, Jeanne Tsai, Yukiko Uchida, Angela Yang, and Amrita Maitreyi

See here for article commentaries.

Physical Workplaces and Human Well-Being: A Mixed-Methods Study to Quantify the Effects of Materials, Windows, and Representation on Biobehavioral Outcomes. Building and Environment. By Isabella Douglas, Elizabeth Murnane, Lucy Zhang Bencharit, Basma Altaf, Jean Marcel dos Reis Costa, Jackie Yang, Meg Ackerson, Charu Srivastava, Michael Cooper, Kyle Douglas, Jennifer King, Pablo Paredes, Nicholas Camp, Matthew Louis Mauriello, Nicole Ardoin, Hazel Rose Markus, James Landay, and Sarah Billington

Nutritional Analysis of Foods and Beverages Depicted in Top-Grossing US Movies, 1994-2018. JAMA Internal Medicine. By Bradley Turnwald, Isaac Handley-Minder, Natalie Samuels, Hazel Rose Markus, and Alia Crum

Media + Tech 

People Who Share Encounters With Racism Are Silenced Online by Humans and Machines, but a Guideline-Reframing Intervention Holds Promise. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. By Cinoo Lee, Kristina Gligorić, Pratyusha Ria Kalluri, Maggie Harrington, Esin Durmus, Kiara Sanchez, Nay San, Danny Tse, Xuan Zhao, MarYam Hamedani, Hazel Rose Markus, Dan Jurafsky, and Jennifer Eberhardt